Tuesday, May 12, 2009

hazy day

Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a haze. Not sure what I want, not sure what direction to move in.

Today was one of those days. Woke up missing Jersey. Missing my travels. Thinking I really should get a job with less responsibility. Look after myself more. Feeling like all I do is wrong, that I'm crap at most things and perhaps it would be better if I didn't get out of bed at all.

After 13 hours at work the feeling lingers on. I am exhausted. Too tired to get to bed even.

Tomorrow I'm hosting a conference in a department I've only been to once before. I haven't had time to prepare, as today was spent hosting a conference in my department, followed by trying to sort out arguments and upset feelings...

... Perhaps I should've listen to that inner voice that told me to stay put in bed all day today.