Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dana redeems

When you do something wrong, do it again and do it right!
At work, I live by this. When I try and do something I will continue to seek different ways until I get it right. Giving up is never an option, and I believe trial and error is the best way of learning – in my work life as well as in my private life.

Lately I’ve been quite sentimental. This stems from going through old photo albums, kept letters and other keepsakes. And by doing so I’ve come across a few memories where I’ve acted wrong or taken a shortcut which has left things unsaid.

So I’ve gone back in time and tried to get it right. I’ve contacted a few people and said the things I should’ve said a long time ago. And even if it’s odd and makes no difference in the big picture of things it feels good to have done it.