Friday, November 21, 2008

Mutant Zoo! Bat + Deer!

Dreamwolf and Super-Munkyboy are holding a jam over at Deviantart called Mutant Zoo. The basic idea is to draw a hybrid of two animals--this week's challenge was Deer + Bat:

click above for larger view

... the Ba'eer is known to commonly appear shortly before the birth or after the death of a great hero or hunter. A Ba'eer with a flame above its antlers is carrying the soul of a fallen hero or hunter to the afterworld; an unadorned Ba'eer heralds the birth of such a hunter or hero...
The horns and face markings are based loosely on the muntjac, and the tusks are based on the muntjac, as well as the more exaggerated tusks of a water deer or musk deer. The ears and nose are loosely based on a leaf-nosed bat. I wanted to try a drawing with super-thin lines (pass), and had a certain look in mind for the colors, but it really didn't quite work out (fail).

Be sure to check out Dreamwolf's Deviantart page for links to other participants!