Thursday, August 19, 2010

yet another culinary concoction

Last night I had no inspiration to cook dinner. Nor did anything look tempting for my tastebuds as I stood with my nose deep in the fridge, looking for something to jump out and bite me and tickle my fancy.

So I started cooking aimlessly. Boiled some beetroot that's been lying around for a few days. Boiled some asparagus that were meant for last weekends dinnerparty...

... And the result was soooooo nice I thought I'd share it with you!

Boil approx. 10 beetroot, peel them and cut them in wedges. Put in an ovenproof dish.

Boil a load of asparagus and put them on top of the beetroot in the dish.

Fry a couple of chicken fillets (cut in bite sized chunks) lightly with salt and pepper. Throw on top of the rest.

Fry a packet of bacon (sliced into small pieces) and throw on top of the rest.

Pour over a bit of olive oil, some red wine vineagar, a big chunk of fresh rosemary, sage and chives.

Chuck it in the oven for a while, then serve with bits of feta cheese.

Now, if you're cooking for one you might want to at least half everything above, as we were two eating last night and it still was some leftovers. And I do think the asparagus could be exchanged for a couple of fennels (or whatever tickles your fancy). I might give that a go next time. I do love my fennel, I do.