Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Stamp Books Coming Soon to Club Penguin!

You might know this already, but Stamp Books will be coming soon to every penguin on Club Penguin!

A Stamp Book is a album where we can display stamps that we earned in doing specific activities. Here's some questions and answers to clear up things.

Question: How will I find my Stamp Book?
Answer: Just click on your player card. When you do, inside the book there are places for a whole bunch of stamps and descriptions of how you can earn them.

Question: How do I earn Stamps?
Answer: Lots of different ways! There are easy stamps and extreme stamps, stamps you have to earn with buddies, and ones that you'll earn by showing off your skills in games.

For example, to earn this stamp...

...you'll have to jackhammer at the Iceberg with 30 penguins.

Question: Can I still get pins?
Answer: Yep, you sure can! Pins aren't going to change. And the best part is you can show off your ENTIRE pin collection inside your Stamp Book.

This sounds totally AWESOME! Here's some sneak peeks of other stamps we'll be able to collect:

I seriously can't wait to get my own Stamp Book! They will arrive Monday, July 26.

-Cena12121, www.TeamClubPenguinCheats.blogspot.com