Thursday, May 6, 2010

just another day

The other day I was due to attend a course at a hospital in the city. Because I wasn't really sure where to go I decided to leave home about 45 minutes earlier than I needed to. Just in case I would get lost on the way. (It has happened...)

I planned to catch the 12.02 train into town. When I got to the station I was informed the train was delayed.
"Good job I'm early" I thought and sat down to wait.

The next train was due at 12.17. This too, I was informed, was late.

At 12.20 I was informed that the trains, in fact, were cancelled due to an electrical fault and buses were ordered to replace the trains. However they did not know when the buses would arrive.

I went to a bus station instead, planning to take a bus to the subway and get to town that way instead. The bus arrived, but due to the cancelled trains lots of people had the same idea as myself, and the queue was endless. I had hence no chance to get on the bus despite doing my best to elbow my way through the masses.

By this point the clock was ticking and I had 30 minutes until the course were to start. There was no way in hell I would make it in time, and I was fuming.

And then a taxi drove past. I waved it down and got in. Explained I was going to the hospital, and had to be there in 20 minutes time. Would we make it? He smiled, said of course and drove off. 

The taxi driver turned out to be a lovely man from Kurdistan. He was well impressed with my 5 sentences in Kurdish, and we had a good chat about life in general. He dropped me off right outside the hospital entrance with 5 minutes to spare before the course started.

And the course was brilliant. And they served lovely lunch. And I met lots of nice people. And... And... You get my drift, I'm sure. Everyting worked out just fine.