Saturday, July 11, 2009

not the luckiest of weeks

Good luck is not something I take for granted - simply because I very rarely get a glimpse of it.

Last week was no exeption.

My settee - which has been delayed 6 weeks - finally turned up. Only to be full size and not dismantled as I asked for in the shop. The deliviery guys carried the beast of a settee up 5 floors. Only to find out it just wouldn't fit through my front door.

I was nearly in tears. Phoned the shop, who's owner is a gem. A real gem (and quite good looking too, as it later turned out). He was like "leave it to me. I'll dismantle it myself and deliver it on Wednesday and put it all together again for you". Which he did, bless him.

However, this week I've been working nights, and Wednesday morning I had a hair appointment at Toni & Guy. I was knackered, knew my settee was due in the afternoon, and really didn't want to travel into town. But fringe needed cutting, and it was the only available apt they had.

As I entered the salon and said who I was the receptionist looked baffled and said "but Juliette (my hairdresser) is sick". And they had "forgotten" to call me!! I was fuming. Went home, slept 3 hours before the settee arrived. Luckily all went well with the settee and the shopowner was - as I said - a good looking gem which made the whole episode rather pleasant.

To top this unlucky week off, my brother posted me his travel card a couple of weeks ago, as he himself went up north. These things cost a bomb, and I was pleased I could use his this month. But the post office has lost it!! Hence I've had to use single tickets, which are far more expensive.

Now I've started my holidays and I hope my (un-)luck has changed. Fingers crossed, everybody!