Friday, March 2, 2007

Character of the Week: Headhunter!

Just a quick note to those who have written comments: thank you very much for taking the time to leave me feedback--I do respond to most of the comments, but sometimes it takes me a few days--so if you wrote up a detailed critique, made an obscure reference to a Disney Afternoon cartoon, typed something in Mandarin, asked for a book recommendation, just dropped by to say "hi," etcetera, please check the comments for my responses.

For this week's challenge over there at Rick's character design blog, a headhunter:

click above for larger view

I'm happy with how this turned out... am I too self-congratulatory on this blog? Should there be more "artistic" self-loathing? Rest assured, dear readers, I am merely putting on a brave front for you. This bravado, this devil-may-care attitude, this John Wayne-like swagger--an act, all of it. Inside, I am suffering like the most neurotic of nebbishes... But nevertheless, I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. There are some problems with perspective (which is sadly standard for me) but I set out to do something with a bit more action and to mix it up with the colors, and I think I accomplished those goals. Admittedly, the all-cool color scheme is something that was inspired by Jacob's mime from last week's challenge.