Posted early, again! I'm tired and I don't wanna stay up until midnight. Waaaahhh!!!
A gold star to anyone who knows where I got the title to this post. Hint: it's from a long-running TV show.
A gold star to anyone who knows where I got the title to this post. Hint: it's from a long-running TV show.
click above for larger view
Anyone call for a webslinger? This sketch was done completely in Photoshop (2-3 hours). Spidey's fingers are too chunky, and it looks like he's doing jazz-hands... but for a quickie, I'm happy with it. In case you can't tell, the green background is supposed to be an abstract representation of his Spidey-Sense.
Oh, and if you missed it, I also put up a bonus post and review. Scroll down for more, sucka!