Zodac, Cosmic Enforcer!
(Posted early because I don't know if I'm going to be sitting in front of my computer when midnight hits. I just might be unconscious with fatigue.)
This He-Man action figure was originally billed as being "evil." The cartoon, however, made it pretty obvious that he was a neutral figure who leaned very heavily towards the side of good. As far as characterization goes, I take most of my cues from the cartoon, so I'm filing him under the good guys.
(Posted early because I don't know if I'm going to be sitting in front of my computer when midnight hits. I just might be unconscious with fatigue.)
This He-Man action figure was originally billed as being "evil." The cartoon, however, made it pretty obvious that he was a neutral figure who leaned very heavily towards the side of good. As far as characterization goes, I take most of my cues from the cartoon, so I'm filing him under the good guys.
click above for larger view
This time, the static pose was actually intentional--meant to emphasize his supposed neutrality. The holographic globe (which is meant to emphasize his cosmic nature) is just something I came up with, as far as I know. It's possible that my brain pulled it out of the subliminal depths of long forgotten He-Man episodes from my misspent youth. But those episodes won't be forgotten for long--I do plan on completeing my He-Man DVD collection soon.
The costume tweaks that I made on this design are rather similar to the modifications that I made in my illustration of Tri-Klops--I consolidated the harness from his chest plate with his belt to avoid a redundant-looking double-belt, and I 'covered' his neck. The covered neck on Zodac, as with Tri-Klops, is inspired by the 200x version. The rest of the costume is pretty much straight up from the original.
This was posted on the He-Man.org fan-art forums. My post is here, the entire thread (including some of my previous sketches) is here.
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