The subject of today's mega-nerdy post is Trap Jaw, another henchman of Skeletor, described on as "Evil and Armed For Combat." (Unfortunately, Wikipedia lives up to its reputation for inaccuracy in this instance--"Trap Jaw" is not hyphenated. Shameful.)
click above for larger view
"Evil and armed for combat" is all good and fine, but as you can see, I changed Trap Jaw's blurb to "Evil Master of Arms." I prefer it because it's a title rather than a description, plus it has a pun in there, which is always good for a He-Man character (Trap Jaw has a prosthetic arm with interchangable attachments, for those of you who don't know).
The pose gave me quite a bit of trouble this time around... this is actually my third go at Trap Jaw. I got as far as starting inks on the two previous attempts, but they were really very awkward. I ended up with a pretty static pose (a trap that I fall into frequently), but since the goal of this sketch blog is completion, speed, and productivity rather than perfection, I was willing to make the sacrifice. Better to finish it off and move on to the next one!
The details of the drawing are pretty faithful to the toy. In fact--not being an owner of the original Trap Jaw action figure, I never realized that his left arm is almost completely armored. However, my obsessive internet search for reference rectified this oversight. I'm pretty surprised that I have not previously come across any Trap Jaw art depicting him with an armored arm. The tubes and wires coming from the blaster on his prosthetic arm were completely fabricated by me.
I took more creative liberty with the colors than I usually do--burgundy has more of a presence in his color scheme as a nod to the cartoon, but I scaled it back just a little bit, so that there wouldn't be large masses of one uninterrupted color.
This was posted on the fan-art forums. My post is here, the entire thread (including some of my previous sketches) is here.