Wednesday, December 22, 2010

BC Philippines Launch

 It has been exactly a month now [yeah, super late post] since the launch of BC Philippines in Powerplant Mall, Rockwell. And I'd like to thank everyone who was able to make it that day [the traffic was hell]. The event held a photo exhibit featuring Hollywood and local celebrities, highlighting BC's Most Beautiful Moms. The exhibit lasted for almost a week and I hope you guys were able to see it. Here are some photos from the event.
Celebrity photos from BC Philippines FB
Detachable shoulder pads with stones and fringe, from my line DU Manille.
Special thanks to my fab friends Helen and Vins [and Joaquin] for making it! :)
Shoulder pads by DU Manille
Satin blazer by People Are People
Black long-sleeved polo by Mental
Black denim jeans by Zara
DM Boots