Monday, November 1, 2010

things we do but don't mention

Last week I've read two articles about men not liking women to spend time on themselves. They claim they like "natural women".

Well, humbug, I say!

What those men mean, I'm pretty sure, is that they don't like women to wear too much make up. Make up that shows, that is. Because every time my male friends are discussing good looking vs. not-so-good-looking women, the NATURAL women loose the battle of the good looking title alright.

You see, we women tend to do an awful lot that men say are vanity. Therefor, we women don't tell everything we spend time on doing. If we did, men would say we were vain rather than "natural". And well, we like them to keep thinking we are naturally hairless, smooth and and so forth, don't we?

Because women remove hair. Either by shaving, waxing, epilating or plucking.
Or all of the above. Women have facial hair. Nasal hair. Hair on their nipples or on their toes. Now, show me men who think that kind of "natural" is attractive?

Women do not have smooth skin thanks to God. No, skin tend to be exfoliated, scrubbed, filed, moistured, buttered, lotioned for that smooth, "natural" feeling.

Women aren't blessed from blemishes/dark circles/broken veins/grey hangover skin either. But we know how to use concealer and foundation to give our face an even skintone.

I just needed to point this out. Because it's the way it is.