Saturday, October 10, 2009


Why is it that certain people have to argue their point until they're blue in the face? Whatever happened to listening to someones viewpoint, telling them how you feel about it (i.e. agreeing or disagreeing) and then accepting where you both stand?

I don't get it. Never have and never will.

I have often wondered over this. Now for example, tthis week everybody has an opinion about Obama's Nobel prize. I get it. So do I, of course. However I doubt that my view on the whole thing will make a difference to the Nobel prize comittee, no matter how many times I write my opinion on my status update on Facebook. 

And how many times have I not been sat at a dinner party where some political question has been aired by some guest who just loves to discuss... Where I have watched pleasant chit chat slowely but surely turn into a political war and ruined a lovely dinner? Why do people do it? Why not say what you want, listen, accept and move on to a different topic?

Not to mention when I once broke up with someone and he told me he "wasn't satisfied" with my answer as to why I wanted to stop dating. Am I supposed to go against my own feelings to make someone else happy/satisfied and instead lie to myself?

It's like when someone knocks on my door, tells me they're from xx Church and wants me to join their religion. What do they expect really? That I will say "Oh my! What a great idea! I will imediately change my whole view on life because of what you just told me in 5 minutes?" Yet they go on and on, trying to convince me that their philosophy on life is better than mine. As much as I accept their religion I actually demand them to accept mine.

toleration, acceptance, sufferance
a disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations; "all people should practice toleration and live together in peace"

Amen to that, I say!