Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Daddy's Little Girl

Josh asked me to draw a three-page story to help promote his comic, Necessary Evil which is published by Desperado. After much procrastination, I pencilled the sucker off of Josh's script (and colored it too). The story gives you a bit of insight into Stacy's background--here's one of my favorite panels:

click above for larger view

The full three pages are available to read for free (that's right, free) on Josh's blog, the Necessary Evil MySpace page, or on Desperado's forum. Check it out at any of those sites, and let me know what you think! (EDIT: also posted on Newsarama and CBR)

The first two issues of Necessary Evil are available in comic book stores now, and Issue #3 should be on the stands in early January. Ask your local comic shop to order Necessary Evil--it's available in Previews. And after you've done that, add Necessary Evil as your friend on MySpace.

Previous Necessary Evil posts: